Over 400 Lots - Fine furniture, China and effects removed from Carrigrohane Lodge. A good art collection from a Montenotte residence. Silver from Lismore and Youghal, interesting books, Rare fireplace plaque, pair of ships cast iron cleats, old garden effects, fine mirrors and chandeliers, large carved bookcase (from an Irish Castle), maps and engravings Circa 1770 of Cork interest and effects.
Antique mahogany & satinwood drawing room cabinet, the upper section having twin astragal glazed doors, the base fitted with 2 cupboards raised on splay feet. (W. 54" H.80" approx)
Victorian mahogany side cabinet, the upper shelved section over a long drawer & 2 door cupboard base.
M. O'Neill.
Waiting for the summer.
Colour proof.
Signed & dated 1989.
Antique French rosewood oval shaped curio table raised on fluted legs.
A good antique mahogany tray back table fitted with drawers & raised on turned legs.
Three pictures - Signed Watercolour & Chris Reichel drawing & a Conor print.
Fritz Zerritsch Austrian 1888-1985.
The Blacksmiths.
Oil on canvas.
Signed & dated.
39" x 59".
Two years in China - Narrative of the Chinese Expedition 1840-42 by D. McPherson, London 1842.
Kaipara on Experiences of settlers in North New Zealand by R. W. Barlow, 2nd edition 1889 uncut with the King Country on explorations in New Zealand - a narrative of 600 miles of travel through Maoriland by J.H. Kerry - Nicholls 3rd edition, London 1884 - lacks map. (2)
A general history of the State of Michigan, Charles Richard Tuttle, Detroit, 1873.
Complete Natural History - illustrated - J. Bumpus, London 1813 full calf; An introduction to Botany extracted from the Works of Dm. Linnalus by James Lee, London 1764, calf; A Practical Treatise of the Hive and Honey-Bee by L.L. Langstroth, 3rd edition, Philadelphia 1873; The Gardeners Magazine 1828. (4)
The Sources for the Early History of Ireland, Volume 1 (all published), Ecclesiastical by James F. Kenney, 1929.
An Ulster Plantation - the story of the Kati Kati Settlement (New Zealand) by A.J. Gray, New Zealand 1938; Sketches from America- (Irish Interest) by J. White. (2)
Mary Aikenhead by S.A. with 4 volumes of Irish women, religious interest. (5)
Somerville & Ross - The Smile & the Tear, signed by E.OE. Somerville on title page & on end paper. "Mother with love from Geraldine, Oct. 22nd 1933. D.J.
Somerville & Ross, Notions in Garrison, signed "To Geraldine (Cummins) with Love from E. OE. Sommerville, Oct. 29th 1941 D.J.
Samuel Lewis, Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, 2 volumes, 1837, spines loose.
The Dublin Penny Journal, 1832-33-34-35 in 2 volumes, different bindings.
A Narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans under Generals Ross Pakenham & Lambert, 1814,15 by the author of "The Subaltern" 2nd edition 1826, half calf.
Six Titles of Irelands "1916-21" - O'Malley, on anothers Mans Wound; Barrys Flying Column; no other law; Mutiny at The Curragh; Four Glorious Years; The Civil War in Ireland.
Ireland Illustrated - Fine engravings by Petrie, Bartlett, Baynes, 1833/39 with volume 1 The Antiquities of Ireland, F. Grose, 1791. (2)
Eric Cross - The Tailor and Ansty London 1942 inscribed "To J.J. Horgan under strange circumstances. Eric Cross"
History of the Irish Brigades in the service of France by J.C. O'Callaghan 1870 and Irish Swordsmen of France by R. Hayes 1941. (2)
The Masons, Bricklayers, Plasterers and Decorators Practical Guide - Robert Robson 1859.
A Survey of Tullaroan or Grace's Country and Country of Kilkenny by W. Shaw Mason, Dublin 1819, 50 copies printed, Castle Freke Library bookplate, half calf.
Lines written at Jerpoint Abbey by (Samuel Carter Hall) 1820 inscribed "Presented to James Freke Esq as a small token of respect of friendship by Sir William Grace Bart. 7th September 1824."
The Roll of The House of Lacy by De Lacy - Bellingari (his copy) Baltimore 1928 - many notes written in margins - Irish Interest.
Church & Parish Records of the United Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross by Rev. J.H. Cole, 1903; with the Diocese of Ross, its bishops, clergy and parishes by Charles Webster 1936, inscribed "John with best wishes from the author Xmas 1937". (2)