On the premises contents auction this Saturday at 12 mid day at Tidal Point, The Highlands, Glounthaune, Co Cork. The Estate of Mr Peter Rota Deceased. Auction list available at house.
Kitchen or side table.
Hostess trolley.
A Zanussi washing machine.
Three china wall plaques. (Showing one)
A fountain with figure.
Collection of low circular flower pots.
Collection of terracotta flower pots.
Pair of stone garden pots.
Contents of garden shed.
Collection of terracotta garden pots.
Collection of garden pots. (Near front door)
Metal free standing post box.
A jardiniere on stand and a brass jardiniere and stand.
Metal garden seat.
A quantity of books Chap-Books of the 18th century, The Fascination of Books - Joseph Shaylor (6)